Sure Electronics AA-JA31181 1x 100 Watt Class D Audio Amplifier Board


Sure Electronics AA-JA31181


Sale info

  • Condition: used ( tested / inspected )
  • sale type: margin
  • Stock : shipped within 24 hours


  • ADAU1707 Audio DSP Integrated
  • PBTL Configurable
  • Fully Compatible with JAB1 and JAB2
  • USBi or WONDOM In-Circuit Programmer
  • Debug Port for Sigma Studio through original
  • 15.2cm x 6.86cm PCB Size


  1. Every used product is tested again before shipment. ( send a whatsapp message if you want to receive a test video)
  2. Do you have questions ? use the whatsapp chatbox for your audio advice  or send e-mail (Contact info page)
  3. Info page > Shipping /  Payment / Warranty<